propane—an affordable, American-made fuel

Dear Friends,

Spurred by persistent supply issues, market speculation, and other factors, all energy prices have surged this year, regardless of fuel type.

However, propane prices have increased less than other energy sources—and, as I write this, propane
prices have actually remained stable in recent months. Propane is a U.S.-produced fuel. While it’s not totally insulated from market fluctuations, it’s more stable, price-wise, than other fuels.

Propane is also a remarkably efficient fuel. Propane boilers and furnaces provide more efficient heat than electric heat pumps. Across the board, propane appliances are more efficient than their electric counterparts.

Heating oil prices decreased by more than a dollar this summer after spiking in late spring, but then they skyrocketed again when OPEC slashed production in early October. No one can say for sure where they will go from here. If history is a guide with energy prices, what goes up will come down. The question is when.

If you have questions or concerns about your upcoming fuel bills, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We are more than willing to work out a solution and help you navigate this winter with a little less worry.

Dave Talmage, General Manager