Q: How reliable are heat pumps during the winter?
A: While electric heat pump systems provide excellent air conditioning, they are just not reliable enough to be your only heating option in winter. When the outdoor temperature falls below freezing (32°F), heat pump performance can decline significantly.
Heat pumps are also notoriously difficult to repair, especially if the technician needs to work on the system’s outdoor unit in the middle of winter. Sometimes, the weather makes that impossible!
Here’s another big concern. The cost to install a heat pump system, which is already expensive, is expected to rise dramatically because the current R-410A refrigerant is being phased out in favor of more eco-friendly refrigerants beginning on January 1, 2025.
As a result, manufacturers need to add new components to their equipment so it’s compatible with the new refrigerant. These are among the factors that can mean even higher overall prices for heat pumps in the future.
If you want to replace your old heating system, please contact us. We will be happy to refer you to our trusted HVAC partner who can explain all your replacement options.