Dear Friends,
When it comes to keeping New Year’s resolutions, most folks don’t make it to February. For our part, we’re always successful because we consistently resolve to exceed your expectations, save you money, keep you comfortable and deliver peace of mind — every day of the year.
It all starts with dependable fuel deliveries at fair prices, which we back up with a variety of convenient services designed to make your life easier. Our automatic delivery program eliminates the hassle of monitoring your tank levels and ensures that you will never run out of fuel. Our range of payment plans gives you budget-friendly options to help control heating costs, including our popular prompt-payment discounts.
This year, there’s more good news. Oil prices remain at their lowest point since 2009 — and prices are expected to stay low, thanks to the highest domestic oil production we’ve seen in 43 years. Propane prices have also dropped significantly, thanks to abundant supply. In fact, there were nearly 100 million barrels of propane in storage as of October 1 — the highest level in the 22 years that the U.S. Energy Department has been collecting this data.* So whatever 2016 brings, you can rest assured we will put your comfort first and give you the best value.
Dave Talmage
General Manager
* Source: Short-Term Energy and Winter Fuels Outlook, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 10/6/15.