Delivery Made Simple. Delivery For You.
Without a trusted supplier in your corner, keeping your heating oil tanks full and your home warm is no simple task. It requires research into local companies, checking oil prices, and requesting more info. Once you select a company, it’s fair to expect honest interactions with employees, prompt delivery, and competitive prices. When you choose Smith Propane & Oil for your heating oil, you can count on us to exceed all expectations.
Automatic Delivery.
We see it year after year—the weather turns ugly and heating oil delivery requests come flying in. With automatic deliveries, there is no more watching your tank levels or risking an empty tank-we've got you covered. Automatic delivery means we monitor your usage and create a delivery plan, making certain you're never left out in the cold.* Tick one item off your to-do list forever—leave heating oil to us. We take care of it all—and even take into account the weather and temperatures, and schedule deliveries sooner when weather goes from mild to wild and you suddenly have to crank the heat.
Will-Call Delivery.
"We deliver for you." And we mean it. If you’d prefer to monitor heating oil levels yourself, will-call is a great option. Just give us a call when you’re running low and we’ll schedule a fill-up. Ordering oil in the summer and fall is a great way to save, as heating oil prices are often lower than at peak heating season.
Upgrade and Save.
As of March 1, 2023, you can apply to the state to receive up to $500.00 for a new high efficiency boiler or furnace, or aboveground storage tank, thanks to the Upgrade and Save – PA rebate program. That’s up to $500.00 in rebates per household. These rebates are in addition to any other financing or tax credits which may be available.
Contact us today to get more information about these rebates offered through Pennsylvania.
Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit.
Through 2023, homeowners can claim a FEDERAL tax credit as part of the the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, renamed and enhanced as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Starting in January 2023 and each year through 2032, eligible households can claim a tax credit of 30 percent of the cost of qualified energy efficiency projects, up to $1,200 per year.
Annual tax credits will apply for specific improvements, including $600 for natural gas, propane or oil water heaters and $600 for natural gas, propane, or oil furnaces or hot water boilers.
In addition, consumers can get a $2,000 credit for electric heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, biomass stoves, and boilers. The tax credit for installing heat pumps or heat pump water heaters does not count towards the annual $1,200 limit.
This new annual limit, available for the next decade, means you can plan multiple upgrades and improvements and spread the costs and incentives according to your home energy budget.
Delivery Areas.
We proudly deliver heating oil to Westmoreland county and surrounding areas in Southwestern and Central Pennsylvania. Take a look at a complete list of our service areas—if you have questions regarding delivery to your area, give us a call at 800.814.2822.
Request a Quote
We offer heating oil delivery, tank replacement, inspection, and cleaning. Complete the form below to get started.
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Join Our Level Payment Plan & Automatic Delivery
Our Level Payment Plan enrollment period opens in June each year and runs for 10 months through March. Sleep warm and sound knowing there won't be an unexpected heating bill coming. And with our automatic delivery service, we'll monitor your fuel levels at no extra cost too. Stop worrying about your fuel levels with Smith Propane & Oil.